Media Optimization: What’s In It for Me?

In last week’s post we introduced the concept of media optimization: taking an already-compressed media file and reducing the file size or bitrate as much as possible, without affecting its perceptual quality. So, now that we’ve told you what media optimization is, let’s take a look at the why. Why would you want to reduce […]

What the Heck is Media Optimization?

Good question…  If you search Google for Media Optimization, most of the results you find are for Social Media Optimization, the process of optimizing a website to enable easy sharing on social media channels.  Well, the media optimization we are referring to is quite different… First of all, we are talking about a different meaning […]

360-degree Videos Bring a New Cinematic Experience, but Create Delivery & Viewing Challenges

The movie industry has been around for over 100 years, but the cinematic experience hasn’t changed much: Basically, you watch the action happening on a screen in front of you.  This is true from the earliest silent movie theatres to the latest iPad tablet apps and OTT streaming to Smart TVs. 3D movies give some […]

Effects of a Crowded Net on Streaming Service ARPU

Do we have any hope of surviving the multi-screen, place shifting consumer? If you are reading this post then you already know that video has taken over the Internet, so I will spare you a paragraph of needless recitals from the latest industry polls stating as such.  Instead I wish to discuss an overlooked solution, […]

Introducing Beamr Blogger – Mark Donnigan

Hi, my name is Mark Donnigan.  As the Vice President of Marketing at Beamr, I am responsible for the corporate communications, market development and commercial success of Beamr products. My formal education is in computer science and music, a combination which lead me to Cornell University where I completed MBA Certificate courses, and in the […]

Why You Should Also be Excited About AWS Lambda

Websites like have a purpose. They tell a story. tells the story of image optimization through a web-based, easy-to-use demo. Users are able to experience the product online, hands-on, without further ado. This is the magic of But our web-based optimization service is not limited to a single photo.  JPEGmini also has a free […]

Introducing Beamr Blogger – Dan Julius

Hi, my name is Dan Julius and I’m the VP R&D at Beamr – and what you would call a typical tech geek…  I joined Beamr in 2011, and together with our great team, have been building the world’s best media optimization tools. I studied computer science and math at Tel Aviv University and then […]

The #1 Challenge Content Providers, Studios, Web Publishers and Media Companies Share

The first and foremost challenge today for anyone delivering video is meeting customer expectation for a perfect viewing experience. I’ll explain why: As more and more cord-cutters are dropping their cable and satellite TV subscriptions in favor of OTT online streaming services, they expect the same high-quality image they used to get from their traditional […]

Introducing Beamr Blogger – Dror Gill

Hi, my name is Dror Gill, and in the coming months you’ll be hearing quite a lot from me on this blog.  So I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself.  I’ve been with the company since day one, back in 2009, and I wear two hats: CTO and VP Marketing.  The […]

Optimization Begins Here

It all started in March 2009.  Beamr’s Founder and CEO, Sharon Carmel, was on a plane back from a meeting with a top executive at one of the world’s largest technology companies.  In the meeting, Sharon outlined his vision for storing photos in the cloud and delivering them to any device.  The executive thought it […]