Hi, my name is Dror Gill, and in the coming months you’ll be hearing quite a lot from me on this blog.  So I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself.  I’ve been with the company since day one, back in 2009, and I wear two hats: CTO and VP Marketing.  The only thing I need to remember is to wear the right hat at the right time, otherwise our algorithms might include some marketing messages by mistake, or our website will be filled with formulas and code…

My background is technical: I studied electronics engineering, and my first job was at IBM Research, where back in the 90s we pioneered the fields of Voice over IP and video streaming.  Then I joined a startup called Zapex, which developed video compression chips, and was soon acquired by Emblaze – another pioneering company, this time in the field of mobile video.  During this period I chaired the technical committee of the WMF (Wireless Multimedia Forum), a consortium of companies that defined the standards for video streaming over cellular networks.

After Emblaze, I worked for a few years as an independent consultant on multimedia technologies and markets, advising firms such as NEC, Samsung, Comverse, Radvision and Zoran on their product and technology strategies.  I also had the pleasure of being Entrepreneur in Residence at Giza Venture Capital, which gave me a fascinating inside view of how VCs actually operate.

And then I joined Beamr, and began my third pioneering journey: Creating a way to remove unnecessary bits from already-compressed photos and videos, without altering their formats or compromising quality.  I knew that if we succeeded, such a technology would create huge value across the media value chain – and luckily we did!  More about that soon…
Nice to meet you, and I look forward to hearing back through Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
