hevc avc encoder sdk beamr

Applications for On-the-Fly Modification of Encoder Parameters

As video encoding workflows modernize to include content adaptive techniques, the ability to change encoder parameters “on-the-fly” will be required. With the ability to change encoder resolution, bitrate, and other key elements of the encoding profile, video distributors can achieve a significant advantage by creating recipes appropriate to each piece of content.

For VOD or file-based encoding workflows, the advantages of on-the-fly reconfigurability are to enable content specific encoding recipes without resetting the encoder and disrupting the workflow. At the same time, on-the-fly functionality is a necessary feature for supporting real-time encoding on a network with variable capacity.  This way the application can take appropriate steps to react to changing bandwidth, network congestion or other operational requirements.

Vanguard by Beamr V.264 AVC Encoder SDK and V.265 HEVC Encoder SDK have supported on-the-fly modification of the encoder settings for several years. Let’s take a look at a few of the more common applications where having the feature can be helpful.

On-the-fly control of Bitrate

Adjusting bitrate while the encoder is in operation is an obvious application. All Vanguard by Beamr codec SDKs allow for the maximum bitrate to be changed via a simple “C-style” API.  This will enable bitrate adjustments to be made based on the available bandwidth, dynamic channel lineups, or other network conditions.

On-the-fly control of Encoder Speed

Encoder speed control is an especially useful parameter which directly translates into video encoding quality and encoding processing time. Calling this function triggers a different set of encoding algorithms, and internal codec presets. This scenario applies with unicast transmissions where a service may need to adjust the encoder speed for ever-changing network conditions and client device capabilities.

On-the-fly control of Video Resolution

A useful parameter to access on the fly is video resolution. One use case is in telecommunications where the end user may shift his viewing point from a mobile device operating on a slow and congested cellular network, to a broadband WiFi network, or hard wired desktop computer. With control of video resolution, the encoder output can be changed during its operation to accommodate the network speed or to match the display resolution, all without interrupting the video program stream.

On-the-fly control of HEVC SAO and De-blocking Filter

HEVC presents additional opportunities to enhance “on the fly” control of the encoder and the Vanguard by Beamr V.265 encoder leads the market with the capability to turn on or off SAO and De-blocking filters to adjust quality and performance in real-time.

On-the-fly control of HEVC multithreading

V.265 is recognized for having superior multithreading capability.  The V.265 codec SDK provides access to add or remove encoding execution threads dynamically. This is an important feature for environments with a variable number of tasks running concurrently such as encoding functionality that is operating alongside a content adaptive optimization process, or the ABR packaging step.

Beamr’s implementation of on-the-fly controls in our V.264 Codec SDK and V.265 Codec SDK demonstrate the robust design and scalable performance of the Vanguard by Beamr encoder software.

For more information on Vanguard by Beamr Codec SDK’s, please visit the V.264 and V.265 pages.  Or visit http://beamr.com for more on the company and our technology.