Category: V.265 Codec SDK

Connecting Virtual Reality with the History of Encoding Technology

Two fun and surprising brain factoids are revealed that connect virtual reality with the history of encoding technology. Bloomberg featured a Charlie Rose interview with Jeremy Bailenson, the founding director of Stanford University’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab. Not surprisingly, the lab houses the sharpest minds and insightful datasets in its discipline of focus: Virtual Reality. […]

2016 Paves the Way for a Next-Gen Video Encoding Technology Explosion in 2017

2016 has been a significant year for video compression as 4K, HDR, VR and 360 video picked up steam, paving the road for an EXPLOSION of HEVC adoption in 2017. With HEVC’s ability to reduce bitrate and file sizes up to 50% over H.264, it is no surprise that HEVC has transitioned to be the […]

Before you evaluate x265, read this!

With video consumption rising and consumer preferences shifting to 4K UHD this is contributing to an even faster adoption rate than what we saw with the move to HD TV. Consumer demand for a seamless (buffer-free) video experience is a new expectation, and with the latest announcement from HEVC Advance removing royalty uncertainties in the […]

Patent Pool HEVC Advance Responds: Announces “Royalty Free” HEVC Software

HEVC Advance Releases New Software Policy November 22nd 2016 may be shown by history as the day that wholesale adoption of HEVC as the preferred next generation codec began. For companies like Beamr who are innovating on next-generation video encoding technologies such as HEVC, the news HEVC Advance announced on to drop royalties (license fees) […]

Immersive VR and 360 video at streamable bitrates: Are you crazy?

There have been many high-profile experiments with VR and 360 video in the past year. Immersive video is compelling, but large and unwieldy to deliver. This area will require huge advancements in video processing – including shortcuts and tricks that border on ‘magical’. Most of us have experienced breathtaking demonstrations that provide a window into […]

Translating Opinions into Fact When it Comes to Video Quality

This post was originally featured at  In this post, we attempt to de-mystify the topic of perceptual video quality, which is the foundation of Beamr’s content adaptive encoding and content adaptive optimization solutions.  National Geographic has a hit TV franchise on its hands. It’s called Brain Games starring Jason Silva, a talent described as “a […]

Will Virtual Reality Determine the Future of Streaming?

As video services take a more aggressive approach to virtual reality (VR), the question of how to scale and deliver this bandwidth intensive content must be addressed to bring it to a mainstream audience. While we’ve been talking about VR for a long time you can say that it was reinvigorated when Oculus grabbed the […]

Applications for On-the-Fly Modification of Encoder Parameters

As video encoding workflows modernize to include content adaptive techniques, the ability to change encoder parameters “on-the-fly” will be required. With the ability to change encoder resolution, bitrate, and other key elements of the encoding profile, video distributors can achieve a significant advantage by creating recipes appropriate to each piece of content. For VOD or file-based […]