We Celebrate with Cake!

At Beamr, when we celebrate, we do it with cake!

Today’s very special, and oh so yummy cake celebration, was a recognition of the amazing milestone that we reached on May 31, 2017 as the result of Beamr acquiring Vanguard Video on April 1st, 2016. Our vision for buying Vanguard as a firmly entrenched leader in HEVC video encoding was to combine Beamr’s world class content-adaptive optimization technology with the world’s best HEVC encoder. The results as we demonstrated at NAB 2017, are nothing short of breathtaking.

Can you imagine second screen HD at 1.5Mbps and 4K UHD with HDR at just 10Mbps? With Beamr 5x, and now that WWDC2017 saw Apple enabling HEVC across their devices, the time is now to move to HEVC so your users can enjoy enhanced UX and improved video quality.

Beamr 5x is available for private beta testing, contact us for more information.

Keep an eye out for all our news, because we’ve only just begun. The technology that we have introduced to the video encoding industry has set a new standard for performance and savings, and what the future holds is nothing short of earth shattering.

And yes, precisely 23 seconds after this picture was taken, this cake was unrecognizable!

HEVC Has Arrived Thanks to Apple iOS 11 & High Sierra

For streaming video service operators who have been searching for a more efficient video codec to deliver higher resolution and higher quality video, the announcement by Apple at the Worldwide Developers Conference 2017 (#WWDC2017) that they will be supporting HEVC across their Mac and iOS product families, is huge.

Driven by the breathtaking quality of the retina display that is now ubiquitous across Apple devices, and with more than 1 billion active iOS devices across the globe, consumer demand for quality has never been higher. Until today, video streaming service providers have been limited by the technology constraints of only having access to an H.264 codec across this massive device ecosystem.

Beamr identified the advantages of HEVC and made a strategic decision to invest heavily ahead of the market to develop Beamr 5. As the world’s best HEVC software encoder, Beamr 5 has been used since 2014 by the largest OTT streaming services, Hollywood studios, broadcasters, and MVPDs. Our HEVC software encoder SDK is two times faster than the nearest implementation and is up to 50% more efficient with a content-adaptive bitrate mode that extends the HEVC standard rate control options beyond CBR and VBR.


What does this announcement mean for the video industry?

#1. Higher quality at lower bitrates will become a basic requirement to compete successfully in the market.

Services that are competing for consumer attention or engagement, whether SVOD, TVOD, or AVOD, will be compared with competitors who are delivering content at up to 50% lower bitrates and with better video quality. Now, it is time to re-encode all HD libraries using HEVC. And with the 2x speed boost of Beamr 5, for the first time live and ultra-low latency HEVC software video encoding is available without expensive hardware.

#2. There is no time to wait to integrate HEVC encoding into your video workflow.

The industry has realized the benefits of HEVC as a robust and ultra high-quality next generation codec for some time, but with limited playback support outside the TV, questions about timing held back some deployments. Now, with iOS 11 and High Sierra public betas rolling out to developers in June and to users this fall, video distributors who have not yet commissioned an HEVC encoding workflow can feel confident to evaluate and deploy Beamr 5, the best HEVC software encoding implementation on the market.

#3. Apple is supporting playback of video that emulates real life and provides critical user engagement with HDR.

With the announcement of 500 nit displays, 10-bit graphics support and 7th generation Intel Kaby Lake with Iris Pro Xeon processors in the new iMac line, Apple is showing us where they are going on the decode and display side. They’ve selected HEVC as the codec that will carry their video services such as iTunes into the future along with third party services who take advantage of the built-in HEVC support.

The benefits of HEVC include higher order entertainment experiences, such as HDR high dynamic range which only HEVC is capable of managing the quality and bitrate requirements. Though not every home has an HDR capable TV, with Apple pushing their device performance ever higher, consumers will grow to expect HDR even on their Mac (and perhaps iOS devices). Services who do not adopt HDR encoding capabilities will find their position in the market difficult to maintain.

At NAB 2017 Beamr announced and demonstrated with Intel Beamr 5 supporting real-time live HEVC 4K HDR encoding on a single Xeon E3 processor with Iris Pro GPU.


It’s go-time for HEVC!

Beamr would like to be the first to congratulate Apple on taking a leadership role in the video ecosystem with your support of HEVC in iOS11 and High Sierra. Apple devices are a top viewing platform for all consumer services which is why Monday, June 5th, 2017 will be marked as the date that HEVC became the winner in the next generation video codec war.

For more information on Beamr and our class leading HEVC software encoding solutions, check out beamr.com

How the Magic of Beamr Beats SSIM and PSNR

Every video encoding professional faces the dilemma of how best to detect artifacts and measure video quality. If you have the luxury of dealing with high bitrate files then this becomes less of an “issue” since for many videos throwing enough bits at the problem means an acceptably high video quality is nearly guaranteed. However, for those living in the real world where 3 Mbps is the average bitrate that they must target, then compressing at scale requires metrics (algorithms) to help measure and analyze the visual artifacts in a file after encoding. This process is becoming even more sophisticated as some tools enable a quality measure to feed back into the encoding decision matrix, but more commonly quality measures are used as a part of the QC step. For this post we are going to focus on the application of quality measures used as part of the encoding process.

There are two common quality measures, PSNR and SSIM that we will discuss, but as you will see there is a third one and that is the Beamr quality measure that the bulk of this article will focus on.

PSNR, the Original Objective Quality Measure

PSNR, peak signal-to-noise ratio represents the ratio between the highest power of an original signal and the power level of the distortion. PSNR is one of the original engineering metrics that is used to measure the quality of image and video codecs. When comparing or measuring the quantitative quality of two files such as an original and a compressed version, PSNR attempts to approximate the difference between the compressed and the original. A significant shortcoming is that PSNR may indicate that the reconstruction is of suitably high quality when in some cases it is not. For this reason a user must be careful to not hold the results in high regard.

What is SSIM?

SSIM or the structured similarity index is a technique to predict the perceived quality of digital images and videos. The initial version was developed at the University of Texas at Austin while the full SSIM routine was developed jointly at New York University’s Laboratory for Computational Vision. SSIM is a perceptual model based algorithm that takes into account image degradation as a perceived shift in structural information, while including crucial perceptual detail, such as luminance and contrast masking. The difference compared with other techniques like PSNR is that this approach attempts to estimate absolute errors.

The basis of SSIM is the assumption that pixels have strong inter-dependencies and these dependencies contain needed information about the structure of the object in the scene, GOP or adjacent frames. Put simply, structured similarity is used for computing the similarity of two images. SSIM is a full reference metric where the computation and measurement of image quality is based on an uncompressed image as a reference. SSIM was developed as a step up over traditional methods such as PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) which has proven to be uncorrelated with human vision. Yet, unfortunately SSIM itself is not perfect and can be easily fooled as shown by the following graphic which illustrates that though the original and compressed are closely correlated visually, PSNR and SSIM scored them as being not similar. Meanwhile, Beamr and MOS (mean opinion score), show them as being closely correlated.

Beamr Quality Measure

The Beamr quality measure is based on a proprietary, low complexity, reliable, perceptually aligned quality measure. The existence of this measure enables controlling a video encoder, to obtain an output clip with (near) maximal compression of the video input, while still maintaining the input video resolution, format and visual quality (PQ). This is performed by controlling the compression level of each frame, or GOP, in the video sequence, in such a way that is as deeply compressed as it can be, while still resulting in a perceptually identical output.

The Beamr quality measure is also a full-reference measure, i.e. it indicates a quality of a recompressed image or video frame when compared to a reference or original image or video frame, which is in accordance with the challenges our technology aims to tackle such as reducing bitrates to the maximum extent possible without imposing any quality degradation from the original. (as perceived by the human visual system). The Beamr quality measure calculation consists of two parts: A pre-process of the input video frames in order to obtain various score configuration parameters, and an actual score calculation done per candidate recompressed frame. Following is a system diagram of how the Beamr quality measure would interact with an encoder.

Application of the Beamr Quality Measure in an Encoder

The Beamr quality measure when integrated with an encoder enables the bitrate of video files to be reduced by up to an additional 50% over the current state of the art standard compliant block based encoders, without compromising image quality or changing the artistic intent. If you view a source video and a Beamr-optimized video side by side, they will look exactly the same to the human eye.

A question we get asked frequently is “How do you perform the “magic” of removing bits with no visual impact?”  

Well, believe it or not there is no magic here, just solid technology that has been actively in development since 2009, and is now covered by 26 granted patents and over 30 additional patent applications.  

When we first approached the task of reducing video bitrates based on the needs of the content and not a rudimentary bitrate control mechanism, we asked ourselves a simple starting question, “Given that the video file has already been compressed, how many additional bits can the encoder remove before the typical viewer would notice?”

There is a simple manual method of answering this question, just take a typical viewer, show them the source video and the processed video side by side, and then start turning down the bitrate knob on the processed video, by gradually increasing the compression.  And at some point, the user will say “Stop! Now I can see the videos are no longer the same!”  

At that point, turn the compression knob slightly backwards, and there you have it – a video clip that has an acceptably lower bitrate than the source, and just at the point before the average user can notice the visual differences.

Of course I recognize what you are likely thinking, “Yes, this solution clearly works, but it doesn’t scale!” and you are correct. Unfortunately many academic solutions suffer from this problem. They make for good hand built demos in carefully controlled environments with hand picked content, but put them out in the “wild” and they fall down almost immediately. And I won’t even go into the issues of varying perception among viewers of different ages, or across multiple viewing conditions.

Another problem with such a solution is that different parts of the videos, such as different scenes and frames, require different bitrates.  So the question is, how do you continually adjust the bitrate throughout the video clip, all the time confirming with your test viewer that the quality is still acceptable?  Clearly this is not feasible.

Automation to the Rescue

Today, it seems the entire world is being infected with artificial intelligence which in many cases is not much more than automation that is smart and able to adapt to its environment. So we too looked for a way to automate this image analysis process. That is take a source video, and discover a way to reduce the “non-visible” bits in a fully automatic manner, with no human intervention involved. A suitable solution would  enable the bitrate to vary continuously throughout the video clip based on the needs of the content at that moment.

What is CABR?

You’ve heard of VBR or variable bitrate, Beamr has coined the term CABR or content-adaptive bitrate to summarize the process just described where the encoder is adjusted at the frame level based on quality requirements, rather than relying only on a bit budget to make decisions of where bits are applied and the number needed. But we understood that in order to accomplish the vision of CABR, we would need to be able to simulate perception of a human viewer.  

We needed an algorithm that would answer the question, “Given two videos, can a human viewer tell them apart?”  This algorithm is called a Perceptual Quality Measure and it is the very essence of what sets Beamr so far apart from every other encoding solution in the market today.

A quality measure is a mathematical formula, which tries to quantify the differences between two video frames.  To implement our video optimization technology, we could have used one of the well-known quality measures, such as PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) or SSIM (Structural SIMilarity). But as already discussed, the problem with these existing quality measures is that they are simply not reliable enough as they do not correlate highly enough with human vision.

There are other sophisticated quality measures which correlate highly enough with human viewer opinions to be useful, but since they require extensive CPU power they cannot be utilized in an encoding optimization process, which requires computing the quality measures several times for each input frame.

Advantages of the Beamr Quality Measure

With the constraints of objective quality measures we had no choice but to develop our own quality measure, and we developed it with a very focused goal: To identify and quantify the specific artifacts created by block-based compression methods.

All of the current image and video compression standards, including JPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, H.264 (AVC) and H.265 (HEVC) are built upon block based principles.

They divide an image into blocks, attempt to predict the block from previously encoded pixels, and then transform the block into the frequency domain, and quantize it.  

All of these steps create specific artifacts, which the Beamr quality measure is trained to detect and measure.  So instead of looking for general deformations, such as out of focus images, missing pixels etc. which is what general quality measures do, in contrast, we look for artifacts that were created by the video encoder.

This means that our quality measure is tightly focused and extremely efficient, and as a result, the CPU requirements of our quality measure are much lower than quality measures that try to model the Human Visual System (HVS).

Beamr Quality Measure and the Human Visual System

After years of developing our quality measure, we put it to the test, under the strict requirements of ITU BT-500, which is an international standard for testing image quality.  We were happy to find that the correlation of our quality measure with subjective (human) results was extremely high.  

When the testing was complete, we felt certain this revolutionary quality measure was ready for the task of accurately comparing two images for similarity, from a human point of view.

But compression artifacts are only part of the secret. When a human looks at an image or video, the eye and the brain are drawn to particular places in the scene, for example, places where there is movement, and in fact we are especially “tuned” to capture details in faces.

Since our attention is focused on these areas, artifacts are more disturbing than the same artifacts in other areas of the image, such as background regions or out-of-focus areas. For this reason the Beamr quality measure takes this into account, and it ensures that when we measure quality proper attention is given to the areas that require it.

Furthermore, the Beamr quality measure takes into account temporal artifacts, introduced by the encoder, because it is not sufficient to ensure that each frame is not degraded, it is also necessary to preserve the quality and feel of the video’s temporal flow.

The Magic of Beamr

With the acquisition last year of Vanguard Video many industry observers have gone public with the idea that the combination of our highly innovative quality measure tightly integrated with the world’s best encoder, could lead to a real shake up of the ecosystem.

We encourage you to see for yourself what is possible when the world’s most advanced perceptual quality measure becomes the rate-control mechanism for the industry’s best quality software encoder. Check out Beamr Optimizer.

2016 Paves the Way for a Next-Gen Video Encoding Technology Explosion in 2017

2016 has been a significant year for video compression as 4K, HDR, VR and 360 video picked up steam, paving the road for an EXPLOSION of HEVC adoption in 2017. With HEVC’s ability to reduce bitrate and file sizes up to 50% over H.264, it is no surprise that HEVC has transitioned to be the essential enabler of high-quality and reliable streaming video powering all the new and exciting entertainment experiences being launched.

Couple this with the latest announcement from HEVC Advance removing royalty uncertainties that plagued the market in 2016 and we have a perfect marriage of technology and capability with HEVC.

In this post we’ll discuss 2016 from the lenses of Beamr’s own product and company news, combined with notable trends that will shape 2017 in the advanced video encoding space.  

>> The Market Speaks: Setting the Groundwork for an Explosion of HEVC

The State of 4K

With 4K content creation growing and the average selling price of UHD 4K TVs dropping (and being adopted faster than HDTVs), 4K is here and the critical mass of demand will follow closely. We recently did a little investigative research on the state of 4K and four of the most significant trends pushing its adoption by consumers:

  • The upgrade in picture quality is significant and will drive an increase in value to the consumer – and, most importantly, additional revenue opportunities for services as consumers are preconditioned to pay more for a premium experience. It only takes a few minutes viewing time to see that 4K offers premium video quality and enhances the entertainment experience.
  • Competitive forces are operating at scale – Service Providers and OTT distributors will drive the adoption of 4K. MSO are upping their game and in 2017 you will see several deliver highly formidable services to take on pure play OTT distributors. Who’s going to win, who’s going to lose? We think it’s going to be a win-win as services are able to increase ARPUs and reduce churn, while consumers will be able to actually experience the full quality and resolution that their new TV can deliver.
  • Commercially available 4K UHD services will be scaling rapidly –  SNL Kagan forecasts the number of global UHD Linear channels at 237 globally by 2020, which is great news for consumers. The UltraHD Forum recently published a list of UHD services that are “live” today numbering 18 VOD and 37 Live services with 8 in the US and 47 outside the US. Clearly, content will not be the weak link in UHD 4K market acceptance for much longer.
  • Geographic deployments — 4K is more widely deployed in Asia Pacific and Western Europe than in the U.S. today. But we see this as a massive opportunity since many people are traveling abroad and thus will be exposed to the incredible quality. They will then return home to question their service provider, why they had to travel outside the country to see 4K. Which means as soon as the planned services in the U.S. are launched, they will likely attract customer more quickly than we’ve seen in the past.

HDR adds WOW factor to 4K

High Dynamic Range (HDR) improves video quality by going beyond more pixels to increase the amount of data delivered by each pixel. HDR video is capable of capturing a larger range of brightness and luminosity to produce an image closer to what can be seen in real life. Show anyone HDR content encoded in 4K resolution, and it’s no surprise that content providers and TV manufacturers are quickly jumping on board to deliver content with HDR. Yes, it’s “that good.” There is no disputing that HDR delivers the “wow” factor that the market and consumers are looking for. But what’s even more promising is the industry’s overwhelmingly positive reaction to it. Read more here.

Beamr has been working with Dolby to enable Dolby Vision HDR support for several years now, even jointly presenting a white paper at SMPTE in 2014. The V.265 codec is optimized for Dolby Vision and HDR10 and takes into account all requirements for both standards including full support for VUI signaling, SEI messaging, SMPTE ST 2084:2014 and ITU-R BT.2020. For more information visit http://beamr.com/vanguard-by-beamr-content-adaptive-hevc-codec-sdk

Beamr is honored to have customers who are best in class and span OTT delivery, Broadcast, Service Providers and other entertainment video applications. From what we see and hear, studios are uber excited about HDR, cable companies are prepping for HDR delivery, Satellite distributors are building the capability to distribute HDR, and of course OTT services like Netflix, FandangoNow (formerly M-GO), VUDU, and Amazon are already distributing content using either Dolby Vision or HDR10 (or both). If your current video encoding workflow cannot fully support or adequately encode content with HDR, it’s time to update. Our V.265 video encoder SDK is a perfect place to start.

VR & 360 Video at Streamable Bitrates

360-degree video made a lot of noise in 2016.  YouTube, Facebook and Twitter added support for 360-degree videos, including live streaming in 360 degrees, to their platforms. 360-degree video content and computer-generated VR content is being delivered to web browsers, mobile devices, and a range of Virtual Reality headsets.  The Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Gear VR and Daydream View have all shipped this year, creating a new market for immersive content experiences.

But, there is an inherent problem with delivering VR and 360 video on today’s platforms.  In order to enable HD video viewing in your “viewport” (the part of the 360-degree space that you actually look at), the resolution of the full 360 video delivered to you should be 4K or more.  On the other hand, the devices on the market today which are used to view this content, including desktops, mobile devices and VR headsets only support H.264 video decoding. So delivering the high-resolution video content requires very high bitrates – twice as much as using the more modern HEVC standard.

The current solution to this issue is lowered video quality in order to fit the H.264 video stream into a reasonable bandwidth. This creates an experience for users which is not the best possible, a factor that can discourage them from consuming this newly-available VR and 360 video content.  But there’s one thing we know for sure – next generation compression including HEVC and content adaptive encoding – and perceptual optimization – will be a critical part of the final solution. Read more about VR and 360 here.

Patent Pool HEVC Advance Announces “Royalty Free” HEVC software

As 4K, HDR, VR and 360 video gathers steam, Beamr has seen the adoption rate moving faster than expected, but with the unanswered questions around royalties, and concerns of who would shoulder the cost burden, distributors have been tentative. The latest move by HEVC Advance to offer a royalty free option is meant to encourage and accelerate the adoption (implementation) of HEVC, by removing royalty uncertainties.

Internet streaming distributors and software application providers can be at ease knowing they can offer applications with HEVC software decoders without incurring onerous royalties or licensing fees. This is important as streaming app content consumption continues to increase, with more and more companies investing in its future.

By initiating a software-only royalty solution, HEVC Advance expects this move to push the rest of the market i.e. device manufacturers and browser providers to implement HEVC capability in their hardware and offer their customers the best and most efficient video experience possible.


>> 2017 Predictions

Mobile Video Services will Drive the Need for Content-adaptive Optimization

Given the trend toward better quality and higher resolution (4K), it’s more important than ever for video content distributors to pursue more efficient methods of encoding their video so they can adapt to the rapidly changing market, and this is where content-adaptive optimization provides a massive benefit.

The boundaries between OTT services and traditional MSO (cable and satellite) are being blurred now that all major MSOs include TVE (TV Everywhere streaming services with both VOD and Linear channels) in their subscription packages (some even break these services out separately as is the case with SlingTV). And in October, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson vowed that DirecTV Now would disrupt the pay-TV business with revolutionary pricing for an  Internet-streaming service at a mere $35 per month for a package with more than 100 channels.

And get this – AT&T wireless is adopting the practice of “zero rating” for their customers, that is, they will not count the OTT service streaming video usage toward the subscriber’s monthly data plan. This represents a great value for customers, but there is no doubt that it puts pricing pressure on the operational side of all zero rated services.

2017 is the year that consumers will finally be able to enjoy linear as well as VOD content anywhere they wish even outside the home.

Beamr’s Contribution to MSOs, Service Providers, and OTT Distributors is More Critical Than Ever

When reaching to consumers across multiple platforms, with different constraints and delivery cost models, Beamr’s content adaptive optimizer perfects the encoding process to the most efficient quality and bitrate combination.

Whether you pay by the bit delivered to a traditional CDN provider, or operate your own infrastructure, the benefits of delivering less traffic are realized with improved UX such as faster stream start times and reduced re-buffering events, in addition to the cost savings. One popular streaming service reported to us that after implementing our content-adaptive optimization solution their rebuffering events as measured on the player were reduced by up to 50%, while their stream start times improved 20%.

Recently popularized by Netflix and Google, content-adaptive encoding is the idea that not all videos are created equal in terms of their encoding requirements. Content-adaptive optimization complements the encoding process by driving the encoder to the lowest bitrate possible based on the needs of the content, and not a fixed target bitrate (as seen in traditional encoding processes and products).

A content-adaptive solution can optimize more efficiently by analyzing already-encoded video on a frame-by-frame and scene-by-scene level, detecting areas of the video that can be further compressed without losing perceptual quality (e.g. slow motion scenes, smooth surfaces).

Provided the perceptual quality calculation is performed at the frame level with an optimizer that contains a closed loop perceptual quality measure, the output can be guaranteed to be the highest quality at the lowest bitrate possible. Click the following link to learn how Beamr’s patented content adaptive optimization technology achieves exactly this result.

Encoding and Optimization Working Together to Build the Future

Since the content-adaptive optimization process is applied to files that have already been encoded, by combining an industry leading H.264 and HEVC encoder with the best optimization solution (Beamr Video), the market will be sure to benefit by receiving the highest quality video at the lowest possible bitrate and file size. As a result, this will allow content providers to improve the end-user experience with high quality video, while meeting the growing network constraints due to increased mobile consumption and general Internet congestion.

Beamr made a bold step towards delivering on this stated market requirement by disrupting the video encoding space when in April 2016 we acquired Vanguard Video – a premier video encoding and technology company. This move will benefit the industry starting in 2017 when we introduce a new class of video encoder that we call a Content Adaptive Encoder.

As content adaptive encoding techniques are being adopted by major streaming services and video platforms like YouTube and Netflix, the market is gearing up for more advanced rate control and optimization methods, something that fits our perceptual quality measure technology perfectly. This fact when combined with Beamr having the best in class HEVC software encoder in the industry, will yield exciting benefits for the market. Read the Beamr Encoder Superguide that details the most popular methods for performing content adaptive encoding and how you can integrate them into your video workflow.

One Year from Now…

In one year from now when you read our post summarizing 2017 and heralding 2018, what you will likely hear is that 2017 was the year that advanced codecs like HEVC combined with efficient perceptually based quality measures, such as Beamr’s, provide an additional 20% or greater bitrate reduction.

The ripple effect of this technology leap will be that services struggling to compete today on quality or bitrate, may fall so far behind that they lose their ability to grow the market. We know of many multi-service operator platforms who are gearing up to increase the quality of their video beyond the current best of class for OTT services. That is correct, they’ve watched the consumer response to new entrants in the market offering superior video quality, and they are not sitting still. In fact, many are planning to leapfrog the competition with their aggressive adoption of content adaptive perceptual quality driven solutions.  

If any one service assumes they have the leadership position based on bitrate or quality, 2017 may prove to be a reshuffling of the deck.

For Beamr, the industry can expect to see an expansion of our software encoder line with the integration of our perceptual quality measure which has been developed over the last 7 years, and is covered by more than 50 patents granted and pending. We are proud of the fact that this solution has been shipping for more than 3 years in our stand-alone video and photo optimizer solutions.

It’s going to be an exciting year for Beamr and the industry and we welcome you to join us. If you are intrigued and would like to learn more about our products or are interested in evaluating any of our solutions, check us out at beamr.com.

Before you evaluate x265, read this!

With video consumption rising and consumer preferences shifting to 4K UHD this is contributing to an even faster adoption rate than what we saw with the move to HD TV. Consumer demand for a seamless (buffer-free) video experience is a new expectation, and with the latest announcement from HEVC Advance removing royalty uncertainties in the market it’s time to start thinking about building and deploying an HEVC workflow, starting with a robust HEVC encoder.

As you may know, Beamr’s V.265 was the first commercially deployed HEVC codec SDK and it is in use today by the world’s largest OTT streaming service. Even still, we receive questions regarding V.265 in comparison to x265 and in this post we’d like to address a few of them.

In future posts, we will discuss the differences in two distinct categories, performance (speed) and quality, but in this post we’ll focus on feature-related differences between V.265 and x265.

Beginning with our instruction set, specifically support for X86/x64 SMP Architecture, V.265 is able to improve encoding performance by leveraging a resource efficient architecture that is used by most multiprocessors today. Enabling this type of support allows each processor to execute different programs while working on discrete data sets to afford the capability of sharing common resources (memory, I/O device interrupt system and so on) that are connected using a system bus or a crossbar. The result is a notable increase in overall encoding speed with V.265 over x265. For any application where speed is important, V.265 will generally pull ahead as the winner.

Another area V.265 shines compared to x265 is with its advanced preprocessing algorithm support that provides resizing and de-interlacing. As many of you know, working with interlaced video can lead to poor video quality so to try and minimize the various visual defects V.265 uses a variety of techniques like line doubling where our smart algorithms are able to detect and fill in an empty row by averaging the line above and the line below. The advantages of having a resizing feature is recognizable, largely saving time and resources, and out of the box V.265 allows you to easily convert video from one resolution to another (i.e. 4K to HD). One note, we are aware that x265 supports these features via FFMPEG. However in the case that a user is not able to use FFMPEG, the fact that V.265 supports them directly is a benefit.

V.265 boasts an unmatched pre-analysis library with fading detection and complexity analysis capabilities not supported in x265. An application for the V.265 library is video segmentation that is problematic with many encoders because of the different ways two consecutive shots may be linked. In V.265, the fading detection method detects the type of gradual transition, fade type etc. which is needed to detect hard to recognize soft cuts. V.265’s complexity analysis is able to discriminate temporal and spatial complexity in video sequences with patented multi-step motion estimation methods that are more advanced than standard “textbook” motion estimation algorithms. The information gained from doing a video complexity analysis is used during the encoding process to improve encoding quality especially during transitions between scenes.

One of the most significant features V.265 offers compared to x265 is multistreaming (ABR) support. V.265 can produce multiple GOP-aligned video output streams that are extremely important when encoding for adaptive streaming. It is critical that all bitrates have IDRs aligned to enable seamless stream switching, which V.265 provides.

Additionally, with V.265 users can produce multiple GOP-aligned HEVC streams from a single input. This is extremely important for use cases when a user has one chance to synchronize video of different resolutions and bitrates.  Multistreaming helps to provide encoded data to HLS or DASH packagers in an optimal way and it provides performance savings – especially when the service must output multiple streams of the same resolution, but at varying bitrates.

Another significant feature V.265 has over x265 is its content adaptive speed settings that makes codec configuration more convenient such as real-time compared to VOD workflows. Currently we offer presets ranging from ultra fast for extremely low latency live broadcast streams to the highest quality VOD.

To combat packet losses and produce the most robust stream possible, V.265 supports slicing by slice compressed size which produces encoded slices of limited sized (typically the size of a network packet) for use in an error prone network. This is an important feature for anyone distributing content on networks with highly variable QoS.

Continuing on to parallel processing features, V.265 offers support for tiles that divides the frame into a grid of rectangular regions that can be independently decoded and encoded. Enabling this feature increases encoding performance.

V.265 is regarded as one of the most robust codecs in the market because of its ability to suit both demanding real-time and offline file based workflows. To deliver the industry leading quality that makes V.265 so powerful, it offers motion estimation features like patented high performance search algorithms and motion vectors over a picture boundary to provide additional quality improvements over x265.

For encoding by frame-type, V.265 offers Bi- and uni-directional non-reference P-frames which is useful where low-delay encoding is needed to improve temporal scalability

As for encoding tools, V.265 offers a unique set of tools over x265:

  1. Joint bi-directional Motion Vector Search which is an internal motion estimation encoding technique that provides a better bi-direction motion vector search.
  2. Sub-LCU QP modulation that allows the user to change QP from block to block inside LCU as a way to control in-frame bits/quality more precisely.
  3. Support for up to 4 temporal layers of multiple resolutions in the same bitstream to help with changing network conditions.
  4. Region of Interest (ROI) control which allows for encoding of a specific ROI with a particular encoding parameter (qp) to add flexibility and improve encoding quality.

Another major advantage over x265 is the proprietary rate control implementation offered with V.265. This ensures target bitrates are always maintained.

The more supplemental enhancement information (SEI) messages a codec supports the more video usability information (VUI) metadata that may be delivered to the decoder in an encoded bitstream. For this reason, Beamr found it necessary to include in V.265 support for Recovery point, Field indication, Decoded Picture Hash, User data unregistered, and User data as specified by ITU-T T.35.

V.265’s ability to change encoding parameters on the fly is another extremely important feature that sets it apart from x265. With the ability to change encoder resolution, bitrate, and other key elements of the encoding profile, video distributors can achieve a significant advantage by creating recipes appropriate to each piece of content without needing to interrupt their workflows or processing cycles to reset and restart an encoder.

We trust this feature comparison was useful. In the event that you require more information or would like to evaluate the V.265, feel free to reach out to us at http://beamr.com/info-request and someone will get in touch to discuss your application and interest.

Patent Pool HEVC Advance Responds: Announces “Royalty Free” HEVC Software

HEVC Advance Releases New Software Policy

November 22nd 2016 may be shown by history as the day that wholesale adoption of HEVC as the preferred next generation codec began. For companies like Beamr who are innovating on next-generation video encoding technologies such as HEVC, the news HEVC Advance announced on to drop royalties (license fees) on certain applications of their patents is huge.

In their press release, HEVC Advance, the patent pool for key HEVC technologies stated that they will not seek a license fee or royalties on software applications that utilize the HEVC compression standard for encoding and decoding. This carve out only applies to software which is able to be run on commodity servers, but we think the restriction fits beautifully with where the industry is headed.


Specifically, the policy will protect  “application layer software downloaded to mobile devices or personal computers after the initial sales of the device, where the HEVC encoding or decoding is fully executed in software on a general purpose CPU” from royalty and licensing fees.  

Requirements of Eligible Software

For those trying to wrap their heads around eligibility, the new policy outlines three requirements which the software products performing HEVC decoding or encoding must meet:

  1. Application layer software, or codec libraries used by application layer software, enabling software-only encoding or decoding of HEVC.
  2. Software downloaded after the initial sale of a related product (mobile device or desktop personal computer). In the case of software which otherwise would fit the exclusion but is being shipped with a product, then the manufacturer of the product would need to pay a royalty.
  3. Software must not be specifically excluded.

Examples of exempted software applications where an HEVC decode royalty will likely not be due includes web browsers, personal video conferencing software and video players provided by various internet streaming distributors or software application providers.

For more information check out  https://www.hevcadvance.com/

As stated previously, driven by the rise of virtual private and public cloud encoding workflows, provided an HEVC encoder meets the eligibility requirements, for many companies it appears that there will not be an added cost to utilize HEVC in place of H.264.

A Much Needed Push for HEVC Adoption

As 4k, HDR, VR and 360 video are gathering steam, Beamr has seen the adoption rate moving faster than expected, but with the unanswered questions around royalties, and concerns of the cost burden, even the largest distributors have been tentative. This move by HEVC Advance is meant to encourage and accelerate the adoption (implementation) of HEVC, by removing uncertainties in the market.

Internet streaming distributors and software application providers can be at ease knowing they can offer applications with HEVC software decoders without incurring onerous royalties or licensing fees. This is important as streaming app content consumption continues to increase, with more and more companies investing in its future.

By initiating a software-only royalty solution, HEVC Advance expects this move to push the rest of the market i.e. device manufacturers and browser providers to implement HEVC capability in their hardware and offer their customers the best and most efficient video experience possible.

What this Means for a Video Distributor

Beamr is the leader in H.265/HEVC encoding. With 60 engineers around the world working at the codec level to produce the highest performing HEVC codec SDK in the market, Beamr V.265 delivers exceptional quality with much better scalability than any other software codec.

Industry benchmarks are showing that H.265/HEVC provides on average a 30% bitrate efficiency for the same quality and resolution over H.264. Which given the bandwidth pressure all networks are under to upgrade quality while minimizing the bits used, there is only one video encoding technology available at scale to meet the needs of the market, and that is HEVC.

The classic chicken and egg problem no longer exists with HEVC.

The challenge every new technology faces as it is introduced into the market is the classic problem of needing to attract implementers and users. In the case of a video encoding technology, without an appropriately scaled video playback ecosystem, no matter the benefits, it cannot be deployed without a sufficiently large number of players in the market.

But the good news is that over the last few years, and as consumers have propelled the TV upgrade cycle forward, many have opted to purchase UHD 4k TVs.

Most of the 2015-2016 models of major brand TVs have built-in HEVC decoders and this trend will continue in 2017 and beyond. Netflix, Amazon, VUDU, and FandangoNow (M-GO) are shipping their players on most models of UHD TVs that are capable of decoding and playing back H.265/HEVC content from these services. These distributors were all able to utilize the native HEVC decoder in the TV, easing the complexity of launching a 4k app.

For those who wonder if there is a sufficiently large ecosystem of HEVC playback in the market, just look at the 90 million TVs that are in homes today globally (approximately 40 million are in the US). And consider that in 2017 the number of 4k HEVC capable TV’s will nearly double to 167 million according to Cisco, as illustrated below.


The industry has spoken regarding the superior quality and performance of Beamr’s own HEVC encoder, and we will be providing benchmarks and documentation in future blog posts. Meanwhile our team of architects and implementation specialists who work with the largest service providers, SVOD consumer streaming services, and broadcasters in the world are ready to discuss your migration plans from H.264 to HEVC.

Just fill out our short Info Request form and the appropriate person will get in touch.