Category: x265

Automatically upgrade your video content to a new and improved codec

Easy & Safe Codec Modernization with Beamr using Nvidia GPUs  Following a decade where AVC/H.264 was the clear ruler of the video encoding world, the last years have seen many video coding options battling to conquer the video arena. For some insights on the race between modern coding standards you can check out our corresponding […]

Beamr AVC & HEVC Live Encoding Performance Milestones

It has been two years since we published a comparison of the two leading HEVC software encoder SDKs; Beamr 5, and x265. In this article you will learn how Beamr’s AVC and HEVC software codec SDKs have widened the computing performance gap further over x264 and x265 for live broadcast quality streaming. Why Performance Matters […]

In the battle between open source & proprietary technology, does video win? [podcast]

Video engineers dedicated to engineering encoding technologies are highly skilled and hyper-focused on developing the foundation for future online media content. Such a limited pool of experts in this field creates a lot of opportunity for growth and development, it also means there must be a level of camaraderie and cooperation between different methodologies. In […]

The Need for Speed: x265 & Beamr 5 Epic Face Off

UPDATE 11/15/2017: Be sure to check out part 2 of this post which covers Beamr 5 performance on the new Intel Scalable Platinum processor.   This article offers a comparison between the performance and quality of the Beamr 5 HEVC software encoder, and the open-source x265 software encoder.  There should be no debate over which […]